Ein einfaches, beleuchtetes Holzhaus steht in einer ländlichen Umgebung, umgeben von hohen Palmen und dichter Vegetation. Der Himmel ist bewölkt und vermittelt eine düstere Stimmung. Vor dem Haus sind ein Tisch und Gegenstände zu sehen, die das Alltagsleben in der Region widerspiegeln.


Whether in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, or Latin America, as a project manager, IT expert, or organisational consultant – development service professionals work in places where joint action is needed to overcome poverty or to protect and preserve natural resources.

They help to bring about political reform, and they promote peace – often within partner organisations where they learn and take action together with local people. They successfully combine professional competence and intercultural skills with a commitment to solidarity. Development service has continually been adapted to meet the challenges of today’s world, so it is an effective instrument of development cooperation.

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Professional development workers each play their own part in achieving the United Nations' sustainable development goals. They receive a maintenance allowance and provision is made for health care and social security not only during their service but when they return to Germany/Europe as well – all in accordance with the provisions of the German Development Workers Act, which is almost unique in world terms. Professionals also gain personally from development service because they are able to develop their personal and professional competencies during their service.

You can undertake development service at any stage in your career – when you’re 30 or at the age of 60. Ideally you should have a university degree and at least two years professional experience in a relevant field of work. You do not normally need to have any expertise in development cooperation.

In Germany, seven state-recognised agencies are responsible for development service. Project goals and the job descriptions of professionals are developed and negotiated in cooperation with partner organisations and other stakeholders. The agencies are:

Every year, the sending agencies are looking for several hundred professionals to work in a variety of fields. It takes committed and open-hearted people who are willing to venture beyond their limited horizons for a while and to get to know and experience other cultures and living conditions. Could this be for you?


What requirements are there for becoming a professional development worker? 
The great diversity of development service placements means that they can be totally different. Each placement therefore has its own particular requirements. However, there are a few requirements that you should meet, if you want to be a professional development worker.

Do you have what it takes to be a development advisor? Find out!

There is a wide variety of development service placements, and they can vary enormously. Each placement has its own particular requirements. However, there are a few basic requirements that you should meet, if you want to be a professional development worker.  

You can find out quickly and easily whether you meet all the requirements by using our self-test.

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Financial and social security 
As a development service professional, you are entitled to a comprehensive package of services under the Development Workers Act. These are summarised below. You can also download the Act here.


You can find a selection of development service placements here. Additional placements are always advertised on the websites of the individual sending agencies. And overviews of currently advertised placements are provided by the Netzwerk und Fachstelle für internationale personelle Zusammenarbeit (International Development Service Centre and Network) working group, at epojobs, by the Civil Peace Service consortium and at reliefweb.int. In order to identify the jobs which come under the Development Workers Act among all the positions in development cooperation, it is best to check whether the Act is mentioned in the job description.


Development service can be divided into three phases – before, during, and after. Before you take up an actual assignment in a partner country, there is an application and selection process, and a period of preparation. The service itself lasts for at least one year and usually for two to three years. “After” denotes the phase of returning and resettling in Europe.

In Germany, seven sending organisations (agencies) are responsible for the deployment of professional development workers. Placements are advertised individually. Some agencies accept unsolicited applications for particular placements. Others organise introductory gatherings and provide an opportunity for you to inform yourself thoroughly before applying for a specific post. The agencies conduct their personnel selection in various ways. There are often several stages in the selection process, which frequently includes an assessment centre.

Ein Lebenslauf mit einem Kugelschreiber darauf, bereit für eine Bewerbung.


Further information about development service can be found on the AGdD website.

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